So you just trusted Jesus as your Savior...
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Watch the video below to find out what to do next! 👇👇

DISCLAIMER: Once you've trusted Jesus as your Savior by faith, there is NOTHING you can do to make Him love you more, or love you less. These steps are to help you grow your faith in Him, and experience the blessings He has for you.
First steps
For New Believers
As I mentioned in the video, the Bible is the Word of God. This is how God speaks to us today. The first half of the Bible was originally written in Hebrew, and is commonly referred to as "the Old Testament." The second part of the Bible was originally written in Greek, and is commonly called "the New Testament." The Bible says that "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God...", which literally means that every word of the Bible is "God-breathed."
There are a lot of different Bible versions out there. I personally use and recommend the King James Version (KJV). It is a very accurate English translation of the original languages.
There is more to this subject, but to be brief, God's word - the Bible, is perfect, inspired, and is the most valuable physical possession we can possibly possess!
Download the free Bible app I mentioned in the video!! 👇
Prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have as a child of God. Just think, the God of all creation wants to hear from you! You can call on the Lord any hour of the day or night and He will listen. It doesn’t matter to God if your prayers are eloquent or flowery—it matters only that you pray with a pure and sincere heart.
Going to God in prayer can help you defeat anxiety and worry in your life. You can speak to God as you would speak to a friend. It doesn't even need to be out loud, since God knows our thoughts!
Church plays a vital role in your spiritual growth. Fellowship with other Christians will keep you spiritually active and give you much needed encouragement and support. Church provides you with instruction from God’s Word and gives you the training and opportunity to use your God-given gifts and abilities.
What kind of church should I attend?
As a kid, I grew up in a "non-denominational" church. That just means there is no over-arching organization that tells that church what to do. Later, before I got saved, I was part of a Lutheran church. I found out after I accepted Christ, that Lutherans belive that baptism is what saves you. This is absolutely false! After that, I began going to an independent Baptist church. In my personal journey of faith, I have found this group to be the most alligned with what the Bible teaches a church should be. This doesn't mean there aren't good churches that aren't Baptist, but I personally found the Baptists to line up the best with my beliefs. If you have any questions about this, send me a message on social media @danielbergman99, or fill out the contact form below. I'd be glad to send you my recommendations for a good church near you. If getting to a physical church isn't an option for you right now, I can also recommend some good live streamed services. 😊
Here is an example (in my opinion) of a really awesome local church! It's the church that I am a member at. I also speak there on occasion. Their website is
One thing that I forgot to mention in the video, is baptism. This has nothing to do with your salvation or forgiveness. It's an extra thing. It is how we publicly make a statement that we have accepted Jesus as our Savior. Biblically, baptism is for believers only. It is something you do after getting saved, and should be by "immersion" (meaning, you go under the water). This is something that is done by a local church, and usually makes you a member of that church. When we go under the water, and then come out of it, we are identifying with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for our sins!
A sure sign of a changed heart is the desire to live for God. What does this mean? It means that you want to please God and to obey Him as best you know how. You will begin to filter your thoughts and actions through God’s Word in order to become a reflection of Jesus Christ.
Good news is hard to keep to yourself! God wants you to share your newfound faith with others. You don’t have to wait until you’re an expert in the Bible to witness to others. You can share what you know—your own story of what Jesus has done for you.
Being a Christian is not always easy. There will be times when you’ll feel pressured to back down or give in. When you became a child of God, you also became an enemy of the devil; and he will try to tempt you into disobeying God. It isn’t a sin to be tempted—even Jesus experienced temptation (see Luke 4:1–3)—but giving in to the temptation is sin. Christians will experience times of testing and trials, but God promises to be with us and give us the strength we need to get through hard times.

The New2Jesus Podcast was created to help new believers grow in their walk with Jesus. I teach verse by verse through books of the Bible (begining with John), and also tackle some important subjects in topical episodes. Listen and subscribe below! New episodes drop every other Tuesday.